We hand the reigns over to Richard Verschoor, who crafts a new addition to the FIA Formula 3 calendar. Choosing everything from the country, to the celebrities that he would invite, the MP Motorsport man creates a new race weekend.
What country is the race in?
I would choose Holland. I think that there would be a lot of people there. I think that the Dutch grand prix next year will be really busy. For me, I think that the atmosphere would be really nice and I enjoy being in my own country.
What city is the race in?
Utrecht, which is the province where I live. I think that a lot of people would say Amsterdam, but that is already so big, so I think that I need to promote Utretch a bit! I would be able to get most of my friends and family there too.
Street or track race?
I think that a street race would be pretty cool. Obviously nothing will beat Monaco, but I think we could get close and it would be nice.
If you go into the city, then you have got the Utrechtse Vecht in the middle of the city and there is a bridge over the water, so you could drive over it. There are then places to party and eat around there, it’s really nice.
Day or night race?
Night race, because I would like it to be a bit different.
Wet or dry race?
If I only have one chance to do it in Utretch, then it would be dry, because I think that it would be better and nicer for the people coming to the race. As a driver though, I prefer to drive in the wet.
What celebrity would attend the race?
That is a good question. As a kid, I always liked Usain Bolt. I don't know why, but I really liked him, so it would be cool to have him there. He could try and keep up with me in the car and him on foot! He seems like a nice guy.