This feature explores the alternate side to our racing drivers. What’s always in their fridge? What do they do in their spare time? What’s on their bucket list? The drivers simply have to roll a set of dice and answer questions that link to the numbers they roll.
Logan Sargeant is up next…
6. What is your biggest fear?
I have always been a diver because of where I am from in Florida, but I don't really like sharks. I have sort of overcome that a little bit though. I tend to try and overcome my fears like that. There is sky diving as well, but I want to do that.
4. What couldn't you live without?
I'd say racing, but that's boring, so it has to be family - without them I'd be nothing. They are back and forth from Florida so I do see them fairly often. I don't see my brother as much because he is permanently in Florida and that's a bit unfortunate. I can't forget my dog either, she is always in Florida. I probably go back once every six months, as I currently live in London.
9. Who is your celebrity crush?
Margot Robbie, she wins.
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
I have a thing for Ice Cream. If I am home in Florida, it is mint chocolate chip. Back in London though, it is just a mixture of vanilla and chocolate with sprinkles - that's my go to.
1. What superpower would you most like to have?
There a couple of cool ones. I'd love to be able to teleport and then I could go home after a race a lot quicker! Or being invisible - when I wanted to be. It would be cool to be in the car, but have no one be able to see the driver.